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Combined roller cutters / trimmers / Combined roller cutters / trimmers /

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Price: 99.75лв.
List Price: 105.00лв.
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Discounts info
Price: 99.75лв.
List Price: 105.00лв.
Discount: 5.25лв. (5.00%)

Combined laminator Soon-ye and trimmer - 6 in 1

A4 format

Hot and cold lamination

Right, wavy cutting and perforation

Rounding of corners

Price: 110.00лв.

Guillotine / roller blade

Combined device - and guillotine trimmer in one. Capacity of the guillotine - 10 leaves. Trimmer - straight cutting, punching, cutting and wavy possibility of corner rounding

Price: 120.00лв.

Guillotine / roller blade MONOLITH- Germany

Cutting length 320 mm.
Divisible in 2 cutting units: leverage and Winders
3 different cutting styles can be selected: Straight cut, crinkle cut or perforation
Price: 120.00лв.
Price: 100.80лв.
List Price: 126.00лв.
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Discounts info
Price: 100.80лв.
List Price: 126.00лв.
Discount: 25.20лв. (20.00%)

Combination roller knife KW trio 13139 - format A3+ - 5 in 1

Format A3 + / 454mm /
Up to 10 sheets
Cutting, corrugated cutting, grooving, perforation and rounding of corners
Price: 140.00лв.

Neutron Plus A4 Paper Trimmer

combined trimmer - straight, wavy, perforating and creasing
up to 10 sheets / 70gr.m2
cutting up to 320 mm.
Price: 155.00лв.
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